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A wholesale price break is available to anyone interested in purchasing Catherine's Jewelry for resale purposes. Please contact me to make arrangements; I will also need a copy of your Resale Certificate for my files - gotta keep Uncle Sam happy! I'm always happy to have my work displayed in new places!

While browsing through my site and picking items you would like in your shop, please remember I only make one-of-a-kind 'Artisan Jewelry' pieces. On one rare occasion I made an exception and created an order of twenty identical necklaces for a client. If you are looking for a similar deal, you can always ask - but don't be surprised if I'm not interested.

I am currently looking for more consignment venues. If you would like to carry some of artisan jewelry pieces on consignment, please contact me. If you've never taken anything on consignment before, let me assure you - it's a win-win situation for both parties! You don't pay me anything unless/until a piece sells. You make pure profit from each piece that sells. If things don't 'move' we can swap them out for other items - you don't pay any restocking fees. For the artist: I gain exposure in different markets without having to maintain the storefronts, or keep the tax records (Taxes are collected/remitted by you.) I can spend more time creating!

I've posted the Consignment Contract I like to use below - just click on the dollar sign ;-)
And..., let's get started!!!

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All designs, text, and photos, copyright Catherine's Jewelry 1994-2017 and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior, express written permission.

All rights reserved.

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